Career and studies

Pohjois-Savo provides diverse career and study opportunities for professionals in various fields. Meet people, build networks, and find your community in Pohjois-Savo.

Opportunities in the region

  • Career and studies Job op­por­tun­it­ies and future talent

    North Savo offers a huge range of job and career opportunities. Here are some tips for talents and employers.

  • Career and studies Many op­por­tun­it­ies to study

    North Savo offers a wide range of education and study opportunities for young people and adults.

  • Career and studies Networking events

    Events in the region offer interesting places to connect and network with experts in different industries.

  • Career and studies Networks and communities

    In North Savo, people have time to gather together, and the region offers a wide range of networks and communities that support both local residents and those who have moved to the area from elsewhere.

  • A woman is spreading a large green fabric over a big table.
    Career and studies Work culture and regional competence

    In Savo, the basic values of Finnish working life are combined with unreservedness and a certain convivial and talkative nature, a jovial attitude to life.