Contact and other useful information

Talent First's contact information and other useful links for talent.

Talent First contact information

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding regional talent attraction and collaboration. You can also send us any update requests related to the Talent First website.

Reetta Airaksinen

Project Manager

Talent First

Henna Halmetvaara

Project Designer

Talent First

Cities and minucipalities contact information

Contact us if you want to learn more about the job, study, and living opportunities in the Kuopio, Iisalmi, or SavoGrow areas.

Sanna Kauvosaari

Chief Executive Officer

SavoGrow (Keitele, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Suonenjoki, Tervo ja Vesanto)

Laura Koski

Marketing and Communications Designer


Submit a contact request using the form!
Contact form

Useful webpages of Finland:

Where to Look for Jobs – Job Search Channels in North Savo

Travelling in North Savo

Help for integration and settlement in North Savo


Project information

Read the article:   Talent First – collaboration across borders (Kuopio by Nature 2023 magazine)