Connection with nature grows naturally stronger in Kuopio

The human longing for nature goes way back to a time when the circumstances dictated that our relationship with nature had to be much stronger and more symbiotic than it is now. However, several studies have shown that nature still has undeniable positive effects on our wellbeing, worldview and mindfulness skills.
In Kuopio, nature connectedness is nurtured by the presence of forests that embrace residents all around, the uphill climbs that make you sweat and the waters surrounding the city on all sides. Although we, as locals of Kuopio, share the same opportunities for growing our connection with nature, the actual experience is always very personal.
So, what kinds of relationships with nature can be forged in Kuopio? Five fascinating local figures, each with a passion for nature, share their answers.

“Did you know? In Kuopio, the distance from your doorstep to nature is never more than 500 m.”

Reconnect with nature through exercise and play

Explore local nature

When one generation after another grows up without regular contact with nature due to urbanization, it is no wonder that people have a weaker connection with nature or, at worst, lose all touch with nature. Fortunately, a lost connection can be revived, and once you learn its value as a child, it will be easier to cherish it later on in life.
Outi Nikunen, Training Manager and Vice Chairperson at Puijon Latu, knows that there are innumerable ways to strengthen your connection with nature, and sometimes all you need to do is make the decision to step outside the door.
“Nature gives us a lot of sensual, mental strength as its colours, scents and sounds fill our minds and hearts with joy, peace and bliss. Someone once said that beauty and seduction are nature’s tools for survival, because we will protect what we fall in love with,” says Nikunen.

Outi’s tips for strengthening your nature connection

1.Go on a picnic in the forest or in local nature.
There are wonderful picnic spots in and around Kuopio that are easy to get to ecologically and at a low cost, even with small kids. Tasty snacks and an inquisitive mind will make the picnic a fun and educational experience for the whole family.
2.Embrace a slower pace.
If you have become estranged from nature, the most important thing is to start spending time in nature again.
Enjoy your morning coffee out in the yard, pick flowers on your way home, read a book on a jetty or admire the starlit sky after clearing the snow – these will bring you closer to nature. A strong connection with nature does not mean you have to be a hardcore hiker, but all you need is the ability to enjoy the moment.
3.Try out a new activity.
Ski or cycle through the hilly terrain of Puijo or Jynkänvuori, head out on Lake Kallavesi in a canoe or on touring skates, find a hill and go sledding, climb on a jet ski or grab a fishing pole and make your way to a forest pond. The range of natural places to visit in Kuopio is virtually unlimited.
4.Join a nature community.
Enjoying nature is most fun when you do it together. For example, becoming a member of Puijon Latu, a local organization that promotes outdoor recreation, is a great way to meet new people and learn more about various types of outdoor exercise and ways to enjoy nature. A positive volunteer and community spirit helps you deepen your connection with nature in a safe and caring atmosphere.

Find your place of power

In the olden days, sacred natural sites with special powers were often associated with the provision of food. The more bountiful a place was in berries, mushrooms or game, the more important it was. Equally important for modern humans is the spiritual nourishment provided by nature, and many who spend a lot of time in nature have their own favourite place where they visit time and again to find inner peace and gather strength.
What would your place of power look like? Would it be a tussock with stems bent under the weight of blueberries, the crest of a rock overlooking a stunning view of Lake Kallavesi, or a rough boulder towering over a small forest pool in the shade of trees?

Nature as the backdrop for sports

Disc golf with a champion

The most famous landmark of our city, Puijo Tower, is nestled in a magnificent primeval forest and the oldest private nature reserve in Finland. The gem of our city and a rare treasure in Finland, the Puijo area has also served as the backdrop for many major sporting events.
Deep in the forest, the 18-hole, AA1-rated Puijo Discgolf course also serves as a practice course for the two-time Finnish Champion, European Champion and the First Runner Up of USDGC Niklas Anttila. Niklas describes his home course, which has been ranked the best in Finland, as visually impressive and suitable for beginners as it offers a relaxing experience.

Pro tips from Niklas for disc golf beginners

Why disc golf? An easy sport that anyone can enjoy with low starting costs.
What do I need to start playing? One disc may be all you need to get started. Your first disc should be an approach disc or a putter.
Does the disc matter? Yes, it does. There are putters, approach discs, fairway drivers and drivers. There are different types of discs for different throws, but you need to be a slightly more advanced thrower to enjoy all their benefits.
Does the course matter? Every course is different. A course with short holes is most suitable for beginners.
Team or individual sport? Professional disc golf is an individual sport, although there are some doubles and team competitions. As a hobby, disc golf is fun with a group of friends.
How can you practice in the winter? When the courses are snowed over, you can give your throwing arm a workout in an indoor hall or a gym.
What is the key to improving your game? A lot of repetition and practice to become more versatile. You need to master all types of throws and have good disc handling skills.

Happiness comes in waves

Life among the islands

According to the Island Development Act, Kuopio is a part-island municipality and a port surrounded by one of Finland’s biggest lake archipelagos, comprised of 1964 islands. No wonder that for many locals, the easiest way to find peace of mind and inner calm is amidst the waves of Lake Kallavesi.
Tumi Turunen is a 71-year-old pensioner whose heart beats for theatre, fitness boxing, film and spending time at his island cabin. Turunen cycles all trips under 30 kilometres and occasionally goes on longer rides too. In fact, his two-wheeler has taken him to Naples, Petrozavodsk, Archangel, and through Cuba and China all the way to the Caspian Sea.
Turunen’s grandfather lived in a croft on the island of Luhastensalo, while Hietasalo and the other nearby islands have become familiar places thanks to his father’s plot deals. Turunen describes Lake Kallavesi as just the right size: it is manageable, but still offers routes that can take you to the other side of the world, if you want.

Tumi’s top 5 places in Lake Kallavesi

1.Hietasalo Island
Dubbed the Riviera of Kuopio, this island is a hiker’s paradise. Excellent facilities, easy terrain, mushrooms and berries and a short boat trip to the city make the island the perfect place to visit with the whole family.
2.Iivarinsalo Island
A popular sailing destination, this island has it all: sandy beaches, campfire sites, a nature trail and an exercise and play area for kids.
3.Vehmersalmi harbour and Millibaari
If you have not yet tried the pizza at the legendary Millibaari, you must do so this summer!
4.Luhastensalo Island
The home of Turunen’s grandfather and his childhood landscape, a place where youth camps and scouting activities have been organized for several generations.
5.Karhonsaari Island
A beautiful, rocky natural site with an arboretum that has a wide variety of trees and shrubs. The island also has an interesting history as part of the Finnish sawmill industry, because the first steam sawmill in North Savo was established on the island back in 1875. 

Nature experiences through the lens are always unique

Nature photography as a way of life

If you cannot physically go into nature, the revitalizing effects of nature can be experienced by looking at nature photographs. These photos have a calming effect, but also make you more alert and help build mental vitality. This phenomenon has also been observed by the 36 000 Instagram followers of Niilo Isotalo who find an inner peace from his photographs.
A student of forestry at the university, Isotalo’s close relationship with nature has recently grown even deeper as he has turned his focus on exploring the diversity of nature and various environmental issues. Nature knowledge is not only an important tool for the photographer, but also something that has to be developed constantly.
Isotalo also considers local knowledge important and says that some of his best shots have been taken in local nature when the conditions were just right. That is why Isotalo does not share the dream that many nature and landscape photographers have of travelling abroad to shoot rare species or magnificent mountain views. Personally, he is more interested in capturing Finnish landscapes.
“The beauty and unique character of a photograph is not tied to a specific place, but depends on the skill to find the opportune moments to capture a familiar landscape in a new light,” Isotalo explains.
As an example of a spectacular location in the area, Isotalo mentions the region of Maaninka where a morning haze often forms in late summer, making photographs look simply magical. This is also the perfect time to photograph birds and other animals in the area.
Other excellent locations in the region include lakeshores, small ponds and brooks, offset by open fields, grand forests and beautiful, less-visited nature reserves. Isotalo also gives a special mention to the exceptional area of Puijo and its ancient forests.

Niilo’s 4 tips for aspiring nature photographers

1.Choose the right time
Explore nature outside the most popular times of day. Everyone knows what sunsets look like, but hazy summer mornings on quiet fields, for example, can have a beauty that is out of this world!
2.Consider natural light
You do not have to travel far to take impressive photographs. By exploring local nature in different lighting conditions, you will learn what types of photos you should take depending on the time of day.
3.Mark your locations on a map
Mark interesting sites into a map application. You could also jot down the places where you have seen animals or rare birds. This way, you will remember the places and it will be easier to plan your photography trips.
4.Take lots of photos
The only way to learn photography is to take photos. You will find your own style over time, and you should not care too much about the kinds of photos that others are taking. The most important thing is to enjoy nature and shoot whatever feels most natural to you.

In the ups and downs

Mountain biking 

There is hardly anyone these days who does not know someone who has a thing for mountain biking. And why not, since it’s a very versatile activity and can be enjoyed year-round. What’s more, the activity goes just as well with bicycle commuting and enjoying nature as it does with competitive sports, so no wonder that once you hop on a bike, you will enjoy the sport for a long time.
Pasi Savolainen, Chair of Kuopion pyöräilyseura, the cycling club of Kuopio, has cycled all his life and been involved in club activities for about twenty years. Whizzing around on a two-wheeler has become a way of life for Savolainen, but he promises that it is never too late to start.
“You can now find electric-assist mountain bikes, which makes it easier to cycle through difficult terrain and helps bridge the gap between fitness levels. This means you can enjoy the best features of the sport, that is, outdoor recreation, exercise, wellbeing and challenges, even if you have less riding experience,” says Savolainen, encouraging newcomers to the sport.
In addition to sweating your way uphill, the action-packed version of the sport, downhill mountain biking, has become much more popular in recent years. In the Kuopio region, this popularity has no doubt been driven by the excellent mountain bike trails and chair lifts of Tahko. The lift takes the bike and its rider to the top of the hill, ready to enjoy the thrill of speed while riding down the purpose-built bike trail.

Learn the basics to get your wheels turning

For whom?
As a versatile sport, mountain biking is suitable for people of all ages who want to see more and move faster than walking pace.
How do I get started?
An easy way to get into mountain biking is to join a club of amateur bikers. You need decent gear and a suitable environment to try out the sport. The size of the bike and its features should be chosen based on the rider and the riding environment. A modern standard mountain bike is a front suspension gear bike with cross-country tread patterned, high-volume tyres with disc brakes. You also need rear suspension if you want to ride more demanding terrain. In terms of clothing and other accessories, you should prioritize comfort and safety above all else.
Where can I go mountain biking?
The Kuopio region offers many opportunities to enjoy mountain biking. The pride of the city and the cycling club is Puijo with its marked routes. In addition to Puijo, Tahko has good routes that provide the perfect challenge for riders.

This article has been written to Kuopio By Nature magazine 2023.

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