Talent talks

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Talent Talks

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Talent Talks is a new radio show aiming to break down language barriers. Join us to hear inspiring stories and current topics from North Savo!

Talent Talks

Talent Talks is a new radio show aiming to break down language barriers. Join us to hear inspiring stories and current topics from North Savo!

On Savon Aallot, inspiring stories and current topics from regional professionals are shared on the first Wednesday of each month. The themes are always connected in some way to internationalism, and the interviewees range from students to professionals, both Finnish and those with international backgrounds. The interviewers are Anssi Saarelainen and Joonas Puomio from Savon Aallot.

The show aims to raise awareness about international talent and lower the barriers to using English. Each episode lasts about 15 minutes, and the series will run from September 4, 2024, to August 5, 2025.

Episodes are broadcast on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 PM. Podcast recordings are released after the broadcast on this page and are also available on Savon Aallot’s website. Below is a link to the podcasts (from newest to oldest), along with more details about the interviews.

Listen to the Podcasts

Jora Pruthi

Listen to Jora’s interview (on Savon Aallot, March 5, 2025)

Jora Pruthi looks at the camera with a smile. In the background in the Savon Aallot studio is their advertisement.

Jora Pruthi moved to Finland and to Kuopio four years ago to study International Business, even though she had completely different study plans originally. Through her studies, she got a position at Normet, where she now works in international procurement.

In her story, Jora talks about what it’s like to work in Iisalmi at the international company Normet. She also shares what shocked her the most when she first arrived in Finland, and how the corona pandemic brought its own challenges. Still, the move to a foreign country and culture has brought many unexpected experiences.

For other international experts, she gives advice, including that North Savo has many good companies and job opportunities, but they need to be actively sought out. She encourages focusing on learning the culture and language, even though one can get by well in Finland with just English.

Interviewer and photo: Anssi Saarelainen.

Sohaib Khan

Listen to Sohaib’s interview (on Savon Aallot on February 5, 2025)

Sohaib Khan looks at the camera with a smile. In the background in the Savon Aallot studio is their advertisement.

Sohaib Khan moved to Finland, to Kuopio, already 20 years ago. He works as a university lecturer in the international Master’s program in Public Health. In the interview, Sohaib shares how he ended up in Finland almost by chance. At that time, 20 years ago, Finland was hardly known in Pakistan, his homeland. Sohaib talks about how, as an adventurous 23-year-old, he settled into the small city of Kuopio and what is very different here compared to Pakistan. He also shares tips for both international professionals and Finns to help communities from different cultural backgrounds connect.

Interviewer and photo: Anssi Saarelainen.

Andreas Küblbeck

Listen to Andreas’ interview (on Savon Aallot on January 8, 2025)

A bearded man is waiting for the radio broadcast to start, wearing headphones.

In the first interview of 2025, Medikro’s project manager Andreas Küblbeck shares how he ended up in Finland and Kuopio, and later joined Medikro through his studies. He also discusses the differences between Finnish and German work cultures and how his international background has helped him in his current role.

Andreas fell in love with Finnish nature at first sight. He encourages international talents to embrace the local culture and customs, whether their new home is in Finland or elsewhere.

Interviewer and photo: Anssi Saarelainen.

Clinton Antwi

Listen to Clinton’s interview (on Savon Aallot, December 4, 2024)

Clinton Antwi in the making of the radioshow.

The KuPS player, Ghanaian Clinton Antwi, has been an essential part of the KuPS team for several years, and the club has exercised its option to extend Antwi’s contract through the 2025 season.

In this episode, Clinton Antwi talks not only about his football career but also about his interest in recycling, as the podcast delves into professional development beyond his playing career.

Clinton Antwi shares his passion for recycling and Finnish and European waste management. After his playing career, he aims to contribute to developing these areas in his home country of Ghana. He has already begun initiatives in recycling with a few local companies. Clinton discusses where his passion originated and his collaboration with organizations like Jätekukko in Kuopio.

Clinton is interviewed by Joonas Puomio. (Photo: Savon Aallot, Joonas Puomio)

Cynthia Monkap

Listen to Cynthia’s interview (November 6, 2024)

Cynthia in the recordings of the Talent Talks.

Cynthia Monkap is an international student in her fourth year of studies who has excelled in her IoT studies. She is already working as a coder for an industrial company where she was employed during the thesis phase of his studies. Cynthia shares her experiences and encourage other international students – what is it like to work and study in Kuopio (Savonia UAS) as an international talent. (Photo: Savon Aallot, Anssi Saarelainen)

Laura Nykänen

Listen to Laura’s interview (October 2, 2024)

Laura Nykänen is posing in front of stairs.

In the October episode, Laura Nykänen, Head of the School and CEO of Koodikoulu Sisu, talks about the international community that has formed at the school and how coding is taught and learned there. Laura also explains how the English-language coding school in Kuopio differs from similar schools in Finland and Europe. She encourages speaking in English and even offers a few tips for doing so. (Photo: Koodikoulu Sisu)

Patrick Halford

Listen to Patrick’s interview (September 4, 2024)

Patrick is posing by the lake.

In the first episode, entrepreneur, author, and speaker Patrick Halford shares his story. Halford talks about his experiences living in Finland and North Savo as an international professional, reflecting on topics such as cultural differences and what life is like here. (Photo: Minna Hendolin)

Talent Talks is produced in collaboration with Savon Aallot and the Talent First project. The project is co-funded by the European Union.

The Talent Talks radio series is produced by Talent First (North Savo Talent Attraction Model – Impact through Collaboration project). The main goal of the project is to attract new talent to the region, enhance regional appeal, and build close cooperation between local actors.