Talent talks

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Talent Talks

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Talent Talks is a new radio show aiming to break down language barriers. Join us to hear inspiring stories and current topics from North Savo!

Talent Talks is a new radio show aiming to break down language barriers. Join us to hear inspiring stories and current topics from North Savo!

On Savon Aallot, inspiring stories and current topics from regional professionals are shared on the first Wednesday of each month. The themes are always connected in some way to internationalism, and the interviewees range from students to professionals, both Finnish and those with international backgrounds. The interviewer is Anssi Saarelainen from Savon Aallot.

The show aims to raise awareness about international talent and lower the barriers to using English. Each episode lasts about 15 minutes, and the series will run from September 4, 2024, to August 5, 2025.

Episodes are broadcast on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 PM. Podcast recordings are released after the broadcast on this page and are also available on Savon Aallot’s website. Below is a link to the podcasts (from newest to oldest), along with more details about the interviews.

Listen to the Podcasts

Cynthia Monkap

Cynthia’s interview is coming on November 6, 2024

Cynthia Monkap is an international student in her fourth year of studies who has excelled in her IoT studies. She is already working as a coder for an industrial company where she was employed during the thesis phase of his studies. Cynthia shares her experiences and encourage other international students – what is it like to work and study in Kuopio (Savonia UAS) as an international talent.

Laura Nykänen

Listen to Laura’s interview (October 2, 2024)

In the October episode, Laura Nykänen, Head of the School and CEO of Koodikoulu Sisu, talks about the international community that has formed at the school and how coding is taught and learned there. Laura also explains how the English-language coding school in Kuopio differs from similar schools in Finland and Europe. She encourages speaking in English and even offers a few tips for doing so. (Photo: Koodikoulu Sisu)

Patrick Halford

Listen to Patrick’s interview (September 4, 2024)

In the first episode, entrepreneur, author, and speaker Patrick Halford shares his story. Halford talks about his experiences living in Finland and North Savo as an international professional, reflecting on topics such as cultural differences and what life is like here. (Photo: Minna Hendolin)

Talent Talks is produced in collaboration with Savon Aallot and the Talent First project. The project is co-funded by the European Union.

The Talent Talks radio series is produced by Talent First (North Savo Talent Attraction Model – Impact through Collaboration project). The main goal of the project is to attract new talent to the region, enhance regional appeal, and build close cooperation between local actors.