Networks and communities

In North Savo, people have time to gather together, and the region offers a wide range of networks and communities that support both local residents and those who have moved to the area from elsewhere.

Networks and communities

In North Savo, people have time to gather together, and the region offers a wide range of networks and communities that support both local residents and those who have moved to the area from elsewhere.

No one can succeed on their own in the world of work

The North Savo region offers many opportunities for networking, both with experts in your own field and with some of the best talent in other fields.

In North Savo, people have time to gather together, and the region offers a wide range of networks and communities that support both local residents and those who have moved to the area from elsewhere. Why not join the convivial people of Savo and integrate into one of the active leisure, study and work communities in the region?

Leisure communities and networks

You can start a new hobby even as an adult. How about trying indoor climbing at the VOEMA Climbing Gym, taking on trails and ski tracks in the groups of Puijon Latu, or dancing your way to street dance stardom in the courses of Urban Moves? The region has active cultural networks, nature-based activities, and sports and recreational opportunities to suit all tastes – the hardest task is choosing the one you like best and overcoming the difficulty of getting out the door.

A variety of leisure activities related to sports and culture in Kuopio, including contact information, have been listed in a file compiled by Navigaattori. You might also want to see what Culture Kuopio and Kuopio in Motion have to offer. If you are interested in culture, check out the Kulttuuri Kuulolla programme, which supports cooperation between cultural operators and the development of cultural services in North Savo, promoting the cultural inclusion and wellbeing of residents.

Activities in the region are also actively organised by various organisations (e.g. Amnesty International, Seta, the Martha Association, 4H), associations (village and residents’ associations, Kuopion Perheentalo, Puijon Latu, Mylly Centre for Creative Sectors), clubs (e.g. sports, hunting and youth clubs) and parishes.

You can browse all the services provided by social and healthcare organisations and associations using Hyvinvointitarjotin. You can also do good yourself and get involved in volunteer work in Kuopio.

Metsäkartano and other nature centres provide outdoor activities and recreation, such as hiking, skiing and canoeing, in the beautiful nature of North Savo. You can also get a group together and explore the rich nature and interesting services in the region.

You can find a wide variety of local communities formed around different themes on social media, including residential areas, recycling groups, hobby groups and carpooling.

Study-related communities and networks

There are numerous networking opportunities available for students. Build communities early on that will inspire and support you as you navigate the twists and turns of your career. Check out these links and get involved in student organisations.

International networks in North Savo

There are several networks and communities in North Savo that are specifically aimed at international experts. They provide support, mentoring and networking opportunities and are excellent resources for anyone who is planning to move or has already moved to North Savo and is looking for ways to integrate into society and the labour market. Welcome to North Savo!

International House Kuopio is a great place to start integrating into the region. It brings together settlement services for immigrants and guidance and counselling services for employers looking to recruit international talent.

Kompassi allows you to network with others. It is an international meeting place run by Setlementti Puijola in Kuopio, offering advice, hobby groups and Finnish language teaching.

Talent Hub Eastern Finland offers support for international students and professionals, helping them to integrate into the labour market and Finnish society. The programme includes many services, such as Finnish language learning, mentoring and courses to help you prepare for working life. This network aims to lower the threshold for hiring international talent and to help them find job opportunities in the region.

EURES is a comprehensive European cooperation network and a high-quality public service that makes it easier for employers and workers to meet across Europe.

International Working Women of Finland Ry meets regularly in Kuopio, providing a place to network with international talent.

InterProFinland is a network providing career guidance and networking events for international professionals. It helps international experts to create career paths in Finland and organises events that enable professional networking and connections with local companies and recruiters. The services of InterProFinland also include mentoring programmes that support professional development and integration into the Finnish working culture.

Join a community of experts

In addition to the priority industries, you can find your place in a wide range of work-related communities where you can get help, support and inspiration for your career.