TCI study highlights safety as the top factor

Why should one move to North Savo? According to the Talent City Index report, North Savo’s strengths are safety, sustainability, and a high quality of life. There are also a wide range of career opportunities available.

The purpose of the Talent City Index study was to determine what makes North Savo attractive, why people want to move there, and what aspects are most valued. A total of 1,237 people responded to the study, which explored the appeal of both Kuopio and the smaller cities of North Savo.

When participants were asked which Finnish cities they would most prefer to live and work in, 25% chose Kuopio. As a result, Kuopio ranked impressively in seventh place among Finland’s most attractive cities, surpassing Oulu, Lahti, and Joensuu. Iisalmi also performed well, ranking ninth among the smaller cities. Siilinjärvi, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, and Varkaus also achieved good rankings.

The most important aspects of Kuopio were considered to be sustainability, high quality of life, and family-friendliness. Notably, the sense of safety stood out in Kuopio’s results: when asked which city or municipality they felt safest in, Kuopio was the third most mentioned after Tampere and Jyväskylä. Among the smaller cities, Iisalmi ranked fourth in terms of safety. It can be assumed that the sense of safety is one of North Savo’s most valuable assets, and it is worth investing in.

Iisalmi surprised

Among all of Finland’s smaller cities, Iisalmi ranked in the top 10 for vitality, sustainability, quality of life, creativity and innovation, family-friendliness, and accessibility. Marcus Andersson, CEO of Future Place Leadership, the company that conducted the study, noted that Iisalmi is a valuable asset for North Savo and should be further leveraged. Andersson also emphasized the collaboration between Kuopio and Iisalmi, which could enhance the overall attractiveness of North Savo.

It was also noteworthy how Kuopio and Iisalmi differed in terms of which sectors found them appealing as places to relocate. Kuopio attracted professionals from the ICT, natural sciences, and social services fields, while Iisalmi was particularly appealing to entrepreneurs, freelancers, and engineers.

According to the study, the greatest potential for attracting new residents and talent to North Savo comes from the regions of Kainuu, North and South Karelia, Kymenlaakso, Central Finland, and Lapland. People from these areas were especially eager to move to North Savo.

Attractiveness is a combination of many factors

Some people are willing to relocate for work, but more is needed. The attractiveness of a location is a significant factor. For example, quality of life, career opportunities, family-friendliness, culture, and nature play major roles. Therefore, municipalities must invest in building a strong brand and collaborate with local businesses.

Marcus Andersson explained that the talent shortage in the labor market is a significant issue both in the Nordic countries and globally.

“Seventy-five percent of employers report that finding skilled labor is difficult. This is why employers need to expand their searches across different regions and even countries.”

What Causes the Labor Shortage?

An aging population and low birth rates are impacting the labor market. Andersson also pointed out that some industries are no longer appealing, or there aren’t enough trained professionals in those fields. Therefore, talent is being sought from other regions and even countries.

Differences Between Finland and Sweden in the Report

The Talent City Index study was first conducted in Sweden. When comparing the reasons why someone might consider moving to a new location, there were significant differences between the responses from Finland and Sweden. In Sweden, lifestyle was one of the most influential factors. There is a desire for a more peaceful way of life in nature, often with remote work opportunities. For example, many Swedes chose Gotland, an island in the Baltic Sea, as their preferred place to live and work.

In Finland, job availability, financial reasons, and career opportunities ranked highest in the statistics. While in Sweden people dream of moving to smaller towns, in Finland, larger cities are more appealing. In Sweden, people tend to move from inland areas to coastal regions, while in Finland, the trend is to move from coastal areas inland.

In conclusion, a region the size of North Savo has a lot to offer to new residents, including both students and working professionals. When there are good career opportunities, activities for children, and culture, hobbies, and nature to enrich life, many people are happy to settle in the region for the long term.

Talent City Index North Savo Report

The study examines what makes North Savo attractive, why people want to move there, and what is particularly valued in the region. A total of 1,237 people responded to the study, which assessed the appeal of both Kuopio and the smaller cities and municipalities in North Savo.