A full life in Finland’s Naples

An atmosphere reminiscent of Southern Europe and the sociability of Savonians captured the heart of Italian-born Paco Nucci.
A father of eight and a restaurant entrepreneur, Paco Nucci moved from Italy to Finland in 1991. At just 18 years old, he left the bustling city of Naples for the small village of Pielavesi, driven by love—a transition that brought about significant culture shock.
“My youth and the adaptability typical of Neapolitans helped me quickly adjust, and I learned the language fast. Through that, I gained a deeper understanding of my new country and its culture,” Nucci explains.
For Nucci, Finland appeared exotic and fascinating. While clearly different, it also shared surprising similarities with Italy.
“I’ve always felt—and still feel—that there’s something similar between Savonians and Neapolitans. Certain traits stand out in both cultures. That said, to get a Kuopio local to engage with you, you need to know how to approach them. They’re more reserved than Neapolitans but more sociable than many other Finns.”
Because of this, Nucci considers Kuopio his home and Kuopio locals his people.
“The purity, nature, old traditions, and genuine people inspire me. Kuopio has a magnetic charm, and it has developed positively over the past two decades.”
Over the years, Nucci has noticed that Kuopio residents value initiative, proactivity, and knowledge of the local dialect.
“It helps if you can speak the Savonian dialect.”
And speak it he can: Nucci was named the Savonian Dialect Master in 2016. His studies in Finnish language and literature at the University of Helsinki, which began in 1998, laid the foundation for his skill. Though his studies remain unfinished, Nucci still aspires to earn his Master’s degree someday—if only there were time.
“But I’m sure I’ll find the time eventually,” Nucci says optimistically.
He describes himself as a solution-focused realist: always preparing for the worst while simultaneously seeking plans to overcome challenges and reach goals.
“That’s my approach to my studies, too.”
Text: Maiju Korhonen
Photo: Paco Nucci
The article was written during the Future Savo project in 2020-2021.