Talent First - North Savo talent attraction

Our goal is to attract new talent to the region by enhancing regional appeal and retention, and by building collaboration networks.

Talent First project

Our goal is to attract new talent to the region by enhancing regional appeal and retention, and by building collaboration networks.

Website in Finnish and English

One of Talent First’s key actions is to create a news media-style website that will provide content from the perspectives of talent and expertise. The website serves as a platform for promoting both national and international visibility and will support recruitment for business operators.

The site will highlight the positive energy that enhances the region’s attractiveness and appeal. It will feature topics such as regional trends, expertise, living, culture, and quality of life, and will showcase talent experiences through various stories, including career journeys, international talent relocation stories, and workplace culture narratives. Additionally, the website will highlight the region’s top expertise and opportunities offered by networks.

The Talent First website was launched in June 2024, and the English-language version in October.

Let us know about a person, issue, or phenomenon that we could write about, and that would be valuable for other new talents in our region!

North Savo Talent Attraction Model – Impact through Collaboration

Enhancing regional attractiveness requires action both regionally and nationally to raise awareness of North Savo among job seekers and establish it as an appealing environment for business operations and living. The region’s image and attractiveness directly affect the availability of skilled labor, which, in turn, ensures the growth potential for businesses.

The main goal of Talent First (the North Savo Talent Attraction Model project) is to bring new talent and workforce to the region by boosting regional appeal and retention while building collaboration networks. The core of the project is cooperation.

Concrete actions in the project include building a collaboration model and working methods, mapping existing services and operators to promote talent acquisition, and utilizing marketing and communication strategies such as the website, campaigns, and events.

Building Partnerships

During the project, close collaboration will be established with businesses, educational institutions, and municipal partners in North Savo. The project’s approach is to work across municipal, organizational, and business boundaries. Communications will be targeted from the perspective of talent and will promote awareness of regional expertise. The activities are planned to continue beyond the project period.

There are 12 partners in total, and new partners are welcome to join after the project ends. The City of Kuopio is the project administrator.

Below are the project partners:
Municipalities: Kuopio (project administrator), Iisalmi, SavoGrow (municipalities: Suonenjoki, Rautalampi, Tervo, Vesanto, Pielavesi, and Keitele)
Educational institutions: Savonia University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
Public sector: North Savo Wellbeing Services County
Private sector: Charles River, Novapolis, Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce, Kuopio-Tahko Marketing, Medikro, PeeÄssä

Project Duration: September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2025